Market closed higher today but Stock Futures are lower ready to give it back as I feel really strongly this is coming very soon... read on...
I seem to be a few days and weeks ahead of all the news so why stop now?
Here is where we are headed by Monday will be in full effect "USA FULL LOCKDOWN" why? ....

Part 1➡️ When China locked down Wuhan the news was greeted with astonishment around the world. Experts warned it was unprecedented risky attempt to control the virus that might not work.
Part 2➡️ Nearly two months later, with the daily number of new cases in China down to single digits last week, Wuhan starting to emerge from two months isolation, and this approach has become the model for other countries with outbreaks that appear to be sliding out of control.
Part 3➡️ Now British government preparing implement something similar in London @realDonaldTrump WILL FOLLOW RIGHT AFTER BY MONDAY -- Sorry, America, Full Lockdown Is Coming -- Politicians won’t admit it yet, but it’s time to prepare for sudden stop all life outside your home.
Part 4➡️ you need to think hard, and fast... Where, and with whom, do you want to spend the next six to 12 weeks of your life, hunkered down for the epidemic duration? And what can you do to make that place as safe as possible for yourself and those around you?
Part 5➡️ Your time answer those questions is very short few days at most. Airports will close, trains shut down, gasoline supplies dwindle, roadblocks set up - Nations closing borders as the numbers sick rise entire counties will try to shut the virus out by blocking travel.
Part 6➡️ To appreciate what lies ahead for the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom, pay heed to Italy, France, and Germany. The United States, for example, is currently tracking exactly where Italy was about 10 days ago.
Part 7➡️ If children undergoing remote schooling and parents simultaneously working remotely everybody needs headphones plenty of computer bandwidth a designated workspace. Before stores close make sure every user has proper cables batteries adapters other tools for the computer.
So join me in the morning on The MOJO Pre-Market 🎙️ Live Stream as it is the ultimate "pre-market" morning ☕️ stock market news and stock picking program, where the biggest movers each day are analyzed and presented.
Live-stream starts @ 8:30 am est
P.S. Notice what ProTrader Nick has to say below... "in one week"... I made back all the money I lost in the past 4 years. He made $30,000 on my $WTHR pick... great job Nick!!

Keep it profitable and thanks for reading,
ProTrader Mike