Can Your Portfolio Survive A Stock Market Tornado | Part 2
If you read yesterday’s blog post Can Your Portfolio Survive A Stock Market Tornado? Click Here
Then you know the current climate in the stock market is one of pessimistic speculation and crazy ass volatility. A lot of people are fearful of what may be yet to come. This causes some people to trade with scared money (a recipe for failure) or to not even trade at all!
Do you have any of the following? (find out below what they mean)
So many people who are relying on day trading as their primary source of income are left scared and helpless… Well, I am here to say “NOT ON MY WATCH!” At MOJO Day Trading, it is full steam ahead!
My Motto is = I am the Worlds Greatest ProTrader and I am going to kick the markets ass today. I say that each morning before logging in. This month a new group of 30 ProTraders graduated MOJO University, here are their new motto's:

The MOJO ProTraders never flinch, they are well oiled machines that know the plan, stick to it, and execute.
They collect their profits and move on with their day, whether we are dealing with a summer rally or a summer fall. Like I said, we don’t get scared, we are prepared because of all the study, learning time spent in MOJO University.
Honestly, these days nothing can take me by surprise in the market. I have years’ worth of trading journals stacked up in my office, trust me, I have been there and done that.
You think the students in last class liked it: Last class I took an anonymous poll so people can really express with no pressure what they honestly thought.
Come see what all the BUZZ is about as the next class of MOJO University is starting in 2 weeks = August 2017

MOJO Day Trading has you covered in all facets. As I stated in MOJO Mission Statement:
Every single morning the market is open, the MOJO ProTraders dominate! We have a trader, ProTrader Alan, who has not had a losing day since last November 2014 (clear my throat, NOVEMBER 2014, how the heck can he do that? How can MOJO log transparent trades for 4 years, every day, and no other room even attempts that?

Answer is because he can and they cannot as MOJO has a system that works. This is what a HEINZ trade looks like to a MOJO ProTrader. Do your trades look this easy?

You see, at MOJO Day Trading, consistency is the key. My goal is to have my ProTraders add between 1%-5% to their accounts each day. If you do that over 20 trading days each month, over the course of a 12 month year, your account is going to grow exponentially! To witness this legendary consistency, please view my day trading results here:
If you cannot be in front of the computer for day trading and are more of a swing trader, I also have you covered! The MOJO Swing Trade Newsletter has been on fire! This past month, I made a slick bottom call on $JDST $UVXY and so many other small cap winners like $GEVO $CALI. MOJO rarely misses for subscribers! Again, consistency is key. I have modeled my swing trading system off the great ‘CANSLIM’ strategy. To view swing trading results, go here:
The time to join MOJO Day Trading is now. There has never and will never be a better time to become a MOJO ProTrader. MOJO is a well-oiled machine that has all the momentum, we are hitting from all angels, crushing the markets every morning in the day trading room, cashing in on the swing picks and educating the ProTraders in MOJO University.
If you need a mentor, caddie, or coach, I am your man. The other day trading rooms are not going to provide you with the same care and concern. Once you become a MOJO ProTrader, my goal is to have you as a lifelong trading partner, just like I am doing for ProTrader Lori right now. Simply put, MOJO Day Trading has you covered!

To join the MOJO Day Trading Team and get rid of any of these you have, get started here:
FOMO = fear of missing out
FOJI = fear of jumping in
FOPB = fear of pressing the button
FOTL = fear of taking a loss