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The Value of a Head Coach

As the College Football and NFL season’s heat up, it is an important time to recognize the value of a head coach.

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While the head coach does not throw the pass, run the ball, or tackle the ball carrier, they are responsible for training the team, making the game plan, and executing said plan so their team can come out on top.

Take a look at the last 5 teams and coaches to win the Super Bowl:

Super Bowl XLV: Green Bay Packers coached by Mike McCarthy

Super Bowl XLVI: New York Giants coached by Tom Coughlin

Super Bowl XLVII: Baltimore Ravens coached by Jim Harbaugh

Super Bowl XLVIII: Seattle Seahawks coached by Pete Carroll

Super Bowl XLIX: New England Patriots coached by Bill Belichick

Now, let’s look at the last 5 teams and coaches to win the NCAA Football National Championship:

2010: Auburn coached by Gene Chizik

2011: Alabama coached by Nick Saban

2012: Alabama coached by Nick Saban

2013: Florida State coached by Jimbo Fished

2014: Ohio State coached by Urban Meyer

What do you notice about all of these coaches?

Every single coach listed above is highly regarded as an elite or legendary coach. They are highly respected for their ability to coach and lead their teams to victory. They receive acclaim for their ability to maximize the ability of each player and this is why their teams consistently compete for the championships.

A great coach has the ability to prepare his team for anything. A great coach is a master at game planning and is able to draw up plays that will maximize their teams strengths, while exploiting their opponents weaknesses.

Take a look at the current NFL and College Football rankings… What do you notice?

The Ohio State Buckeyes are 8-0 and ranked #1 in the country.

The New England Patriots are 7-0 and are betting favorites to win the Super Bowl.

Do you think it is a coincidence that these teams are continuing to dominate on their run to back to back championships?

Now, think about the value of a head coach in regards to a day trading room.

Do you think a day trading room would be successful without a great coach/moderator?

No way, it’s impossible. If a day trading room is to be successful, the head coach (moderator) must be at the top of the industry.

ProTrader Mike has been dominating the stock market for over 20+ years. He has a transparent and documented three year track record of trades - see here (!day-trade-results/ca8v).

Through MOJO University (!mojo-university/c1hvn), ProTrader Mike teaches his ProTraders the game plan. He gives them the experience and skills necessary to beat the stock market, and provides them with the MOJO Playbook, which holds the secrets to Team MOJO’s success.

Take a look at ProTrader Alan, the Tom Brady of the MOJO Day Trading Room. ProTrader Alan just completed a full year of trading without a single losing day. He has been trading with ProTrader Mike since the inception of MOJO Day Trading, and like Tom Brady and Bill Belichick, Alan and Mike combine to form one of the most lethal duos in the stock market today. One year under the belt now it's time for the next big winning streak.

So, when you watch the games this week, actively think about the coaching and game plans from each team. Ask yourself, which teams win and why? Is it because they got lucky? Or is it because they are better prepared to execute a flawless game plan? Chances are, you will notice that the best teams have the best coaching, best game plans, and best play books.

If you could use the help of the best coach in the day trading industry, then MOJO University is for you. The next MOJO University starts Tuesday, November 10th and seats are filling up quick. For more information and to reserve your seat, click here:!mojo-university/c1hvn

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the 11/2 MOJO Day Trading Video Recap to see how the MOJO ProTraders dominated the market:

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