Does MOJO Have Crystal Ball?
Does MOJO have a crystal ball?

THE ANSWER IS YES = If you remember back on June 8th (!DOWMEGAPHONEPATTERN/cgpn/557629290cf293e8053039)
I correctly predicted the fall of the DOW From 18,100 TO 17,000 now because I was able to recognize the Dow Megaphone pattern. Keep in mind, this is not the first time I have accurately made this type of prediction, I have a history of being deadly accurate when calling the rise and fall of the market. Perhaps that is why MOJO always seems to win, regardless of whether the market is up or down. In fact, MOJO is known to have its best days when the market is down!
Now, I am wiping down my crystal ball and preparing for another prediction. I am making a call that oil stocks, such as $UWTI in particular, are going to make a run similar to what we saw 2 weeks ago with gold stocks like $JNUG. Two weeks ago, when $JNUG was at around $8.00, buyers were scared off and thought it had the voodoo, and thus $JNUG dropped to a sell low of $7.34. Two weeks later, $JNUG is sitting at $12.61.
Can I guarantee that $UWTI is going to do exactly what $JNUG did? I have no idea! But it COULD IT? You better believe it thats why I am writing this. My Dow Megaphone Pattern prediction has been spot on, so I would advise you to listen carefully. MOJO has been on fire, and it truly has been the Summer of MOJO, and I don’t anticipate the winning streak to end anytime soon. Please be advised of my prediction, MOJO is building a dream team of ProTraders and you best believe they will be ready to profit when $UWTI moves.
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