The MOJO Swing Trade Newsletter is a weekly newsletter that is sent out every Sunday evening. The MOJO Swing Trade stock picks are presented in an organized fashion so it is easy to understand and a great way for anybody interested in learning Swing Trading to get started quickly. If your too busy to Day Trade and working the 9 to 5, then let ProTrader Mike do all the stock market research for you. The MOJO Swing Trade Newsletter is perfect for you because you get the picks sent directly to your inbox with all updates and profit email alerts. Scaling in and out of Swing Trades is a skill that is taught to all subscribers.

ProTrader Mike identifies high probability stock patterns that repeat themselves over and over again. These patterns can be very profitable when executed consistently. ProTrader Mike's research consists of scanning through a database of more than 7,000 stocks every Sunday night. All the stocks have an emphasis on the MOJO Small Cap System of picking stocks. These swing picks are selected as the potential big movers for the week. The average hold time for a MOJO Swing Trade pick has been 8 days. The Newsletter is sent in both PDF & Video Updates. The Video Updates provide teaching lessons on the MOJO strategy so you can "Earn While You Learn".
Detailed View In Video About The MOJO Swing Trade Newsletter = Watch This
Detailed Video About The MOJO Swing Trade Newsletter =
Swing Trade Results =!day-trade-results/ca8v
Swing Trade Newsletter Video Recaps =!swing-trade-video-updates-2015/caad