The MOJO Day Trading Daily Newsletter
Did you know that MOJO Day Trading offers a FREE DAILY NEWSLETTER?
If you are interested in obtaining access to exclusive stock picks, while learning day and swing trading secrets, I strongly urge you to get signed up for the free MOJO newsletter.
How do you sign up? It’s simple. Go to, scroll halfway down the home page, and look for the below image. Type in your best email address and check your inbox daily in case there is a free MOJO newsletter that could make you some serious money!

What can you expect from the free MOJO newsletter?
Well, today, I checked my inbox after lunch and saw a pretty awesome update from ProTrader Mike. Check it out here if you missed it (make sure to sign up now so you won’t miss out any longer!).

As you can see, ProTrader Mike is offering you an outstanding $UVXY pick that is usually only made available to our paying members. He called for traders to add a new position at $9.80 with the expectation that $UVXY will fly through $10.00 tomorrow and, most probably, much much much higher!
So what? Well, if you read the newsletter, you know that, in this particular scenario, being long on $UVXY is a good thing. While it will not necessarily increase the material value of your trade, it helps to prevent increased depreciation in share price caused by extremely high volume.
This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity with $UVXY…so I hope you are subscribing to the newsletter, it is free after all!
Do you remember back when ProTrader Mike called $JNUG for a reverse split on 12/23? Well this was called out at $18.00 before it sky rocketed to $44.00 It would be a true shame to miss out on that type of profit. I know I won’t.